Comment 27 for bug 1615871

Revision history for this message
In , Matthew Hessel (matt-hessel) wrote :

I think there are multiple issues regarding DRI3, not limited to the sandboxing stuff in Chrome (which has been an issue for me longer than this.) But I started having screen update issues with Guake in a terminal in October. When typing it would update the cursor and the letters similar to running Wordperfect on my old PC in 1989. (type 4 digits, and it shows them to you after the third or fourth)

On top of that, I wasn't able to get chrome or chromium to run in Gnome3 at all at that point.

Backing the driver out to this version eliminates these issues for me. Other way I could get it working was to disable dri3 in xorg.conf.

Terminal acts normal again, and chrome will run without (too much) stupidity..