Comment 0 for bug 1212123

Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

= Package Version =

xserver-xorg-core-lts-quantal 2:1.13.0-0ubuntu6.1~precise3

= Reproduce Steps =

1. Boot into Ubuntu 12.04.2 live system

2. Expand the laptop display to the external one.
For example, `xrandr --output eDP1 --auto --output HDMI1 --auto --right-of eDP1`

3. Restrict the movements of the touchscreen to the laptop display.
For example, `xinput map-to-crtc 'ELAN Touchscreen' eDP1`

P.S. `xinput map-to-crtc` will calculate and set "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" correspondingly.

= Expected Result =

I can operate the touchscreen on the laptop display as usual.

= Actual Result =

It becomes abnormal and shows erratic cursor movement.