Comment 19 for bug 890438

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In , Sergey V. Udaltsov (svu) wrote :

> Because most of Russian-speaking peoples use two keyboard layouts. It's
> obvious.
Well, I was asking because I know some ppl whou use >2 layouts.

> > I am most willing to find out some different way of the reality check.
> I not sure I understand you right - please rephrase this sentence.
Ghm. I would like to be able to check the real demand for any change I make to the code. I realize it is not always possible, but at least some effort should be made.

> > ???? GNOME 2 had that for years! IIRC GNOME3 (gnome-shell) has it as well.
> Has it not enabled by default (at least in Gnome 3). I download Fedora 16 to
> check situation around keyboard indicator in latest Gnome release before write
> previous commentary.
That is really odd. I guess it must be a bug, please file it. At least in fallback mode it works (sorry, gnome-shell is not runnable on my machine)

> in most popular DE at all. Then users of only one DE (not two or three) can
> notice (just "notice", not "understand" or "report") situation around problem
> with keyboard layout switch order.
Ok, if we agree that it must be fixed in GNOME - would that close the subtopic about mainstream DEs (I do not consider Unity as such - let them boil in their own bugtracker)?

> You are at least admit there is no one other reason to keep current behavior
> except because it's there for years. No one, no one. Okay, this is good start.
I thought I admitted it from the very start...

> this topic it's a talk here. You ask about some "users, expressing their
> interest". But where I can find they? Then I can only ask you use developer
> logic:
Unfortunately logic does not have immediately higher priority over status quo. I may support your logic - but that is not enough to break existing things. And you see James admitted there is some good use to it.

> Isn't switch order shouldn't depend on current keyboard shortcut? Isn't that
> should be separate option by design?
Well, there are so many more serious issues with the XKB design;)