Comment 0 for bug 527193

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jmb_kz (jmb-kz) wrote :

hello people.

i am a active kazakh translater of ubuntu project. when i am making translation in the at first time i don't see it. but some time ago i see that one of character another of most using in kazakh computer and real writing. this character is
quotation mark. in default kazakh layout it another from real used quotation mark in kazakh (for example, in two additional layout it's normal).
now it - [code]„[/code]
it have to be - [code]"[/code].

it's easy repair by editing file - /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/kz
i change
key <AE01> { [ doublelowquotemark, exclam ] };
key <AE01> { [ quotedbl, exclam ] };
and it goes to good.

but it only in X, but not in console.