Comment 10 for bug 160171

Revision history for this message
Anders Rønningen (andersronningen) wrote :

I'm on Ubuntu Jaunty, and can confirm that there are still oddities with the Norwegian keyboard layout.

In OS X:
[] is "alt + 7/8
{} is "shift + alt + 7/8"

the alt key could be both the right one and the left one.

In Ubuntu:
[] is "right alt + 7/8"
{} is "shift + right alt + 7/8"

From xev, it seems that the left is Alt_L, and the right is ISO_Level3_Shift.

To make this work like in OS X (if that is what's wanted), the left alt must behave like the right one, but also be able to make F-keys when pressed together with the fn-button and f1-12. Is this possible?

In addition, the key above tab (marked with paragraph and apostrophe) and the "less/greater than"-key are swapped. To fix this I run the following line in a terminal:
xmodmap -e 'keycode 94=apostrophe asciitilde apostrophe asciitilde dead_grave dead_horn' -e 'keycode 49=less greater backslash brokenbar backslash brokenbar'

I'm not at all sure that it's correct, but at least it places >, < and ' where they are supposed to be.

Two keys swapped.
Right and left alt-key works differently in Ubuntu, but (I think) the same in OS X.