Comment 111 for bug 12153

Revision history for this message
Sam Illingworth (mazz0) wrote :

I've just read through this entire thread - to summarize:

It seems we have two/three issues:

1) The out-of-the-box behaviour only allows the windows key to be used on it's own, not as part of a shortcut using the keyboard shortcut applet

2) The workaround of setting super or meta is mapped to the windows key only makes it work for some commands but not others - someone suggested this is due to whether the shortcuts are stored in different places:
  Philipp Kohlbecher wrote on 2007-06-04:
  The difference seems to be that the shortcut for launching the terminal is set in gconf setting /apps/metacity/global_keybindings (as is the shortcut for minimizing all windows to show the desktop, for example), while the shortcut for locking the screen is set in /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/keybindings (as is the shortcut for launching the web browser, for example)

3) The workaround apparently breaks the behaviour of Alt Gr:
   alca wrote on 2009-04-27:
  yesterday i tried the workaround proposed by smkururu and i answered some questions written by me (see
changing 'System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts > Layout Options > Alt/Win key behavior' to 'Meta is mapped to Win keys' the effect is that the AltGr button does not have a behaviour like before: no key-combination is available (i cannot use the character '@' with AltGr + ò, for example)

Anyone have anything to add? More details, more complaints, progress updates? Do we have any developers looking into this?