Comment 1 for bug 106383

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Gaiwecoor (gaiwecoor) wrote : Possible Fix

I had the same problem after upgrading to 7.04, but I think I've found the fix. I can't say I fully understand it, as I am relatively new to linux, but it seems to work.

After comparing my Edgy xorg.conf to my Fiesty xorg.conf (I'll just call them e.conf and f.conf, for simplicity), I noticed a couple of lines missing from f.conf:

====== From: f.conf ======
Section "InputDevice"
 Driver "wacom"
 Identifier "stylus"
 . . .
 Option "Button2" "3" # Inserted from e.conf

Section "InputDevice"
 Driver "wacom"
 Identifier "eraser"
 . . .
 Option "Button1" "2" # Inserted from e.conf
====== End file snippet ======

After restarting X, adding the Option "ButtonX" "Y" lines seemed to fix it for me. I can now right-click away.

Hope that helps!.

 - Gaiwecoor