Comment 0 for bug 1806902

Revision history for this message
Saroumane (saroumane) wrote :

* Xubuntu 18.10
* HiDPI mode + 2x scaling (*)
* Xubuntu native Deskbar on the left of screen
* xfwm4 version 4.12.5-1ubuntu1

What I got :
When I maximize a window, the window is "overlapping" under the deskbar, not tiling next to it.
Precisely : half width of the deskbar is used by the window for overlapping.

What I expected :
Classic maximizing with window tiled to deskbar.

(*) The screen is in 3840x2106. I have this in my $HOME/.sessionrc :
# Target DPI

# For applications supporting XSettings, `Xft/DPI' sets font scaling
# (and sometimes interface scaling), `Gdk/WindowScalingFactor' sets
# interface scaling with GTK 3, and `Gdk/UnscaledDPI' undo font scaling
# for GTK 3 applications.
> ~/.xsettingsd cat <<EOF
Xft/DPI $(( $dpi*1024 ))
Gdk/WindowScalingFactor $(( $dpi/96 ))
Gdk/UnscaledDPI $(( $dpi*1024/($dpi/96) ))
pkill -HUP xsettingsd || xsettingsd &

# For QT applications.

# For miscellaneous applications.
echo Xft.dpi: $dpi | xrdb -merge