Comment 19 for bug 10271

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Debian Bug Importer (debzilla) wrote :

Message-ID: <email address hidden>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 07:23:19 +0100
From: "Jurzitza, Dieter" <email address hidden>
To: <email address hidden>, <email address hidden>
Subject: X11 crashing on 2.4.28

Dear listmembers,
I can confirm for my U60 that the XFree86-debug server comes up on 2.4.28. =
So I seem to be consistent with what Admar said and what Ron has been sayin=
g. What makes me wonder, though, is why does the binary loader work with 2.=
4.27 and does not work with 2.4.28.
And, moreover, if it is a loader issue it seems more plausible to me that I=
 can observe additional side effects on 2.4.28 not being related to X11 (li=
ke very long reaction times on ping / ssh requests, not settling a network =
connection for quite a while)
A propably dumb question:
is that binary loader a simple file? would it be possible to get that loade=
r from another version (like Debian Woody), or is it buried deep down in th=
e kernel?
Thank you for your inputs,
take care

Dieter Jurzitza



Dr.-Ing. Dieter Jurzitza
Manager Hardware Systems
   System Development

Industriegebiet Ittersbach
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