Comment 2 for bug 366753

Revision history for this message
Cruncher (ubuntu-wkresse) wrote :

Hm, at the moment the problem has gotten worse. I cannot login anymore, after 2:30 min I can see my dekstop wallpaper, but no panels, and it doesn't seem to revocer.
Starting a "top" in a console as soon as I loged in in the gdm session shows that about 10 "xfwm4" processes are spawned, and shortly after over 20(!) "xfdesktop" processes, the system uses about 800MB (excluding disk cache), one of them consumes a lot of CPU for a while, then nothing else happens and the CPU stays idle. Switching back to X-session is not working anymore, it hangs.

I noticed the 20 xfdesktop processes already before (when I could still log in). They just sit there and eat a lot of memory (12MB each). Is this normal? Or is this already part of my problem?