Comment 0 for bug 366753

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Cruncher (ubuntu-wkresse) wrote :

Binary package hint: xfdesktop4

Since upgrade to 9.04, it takes forever to login to the desktop.
Time from login screen until I see my desktop: 1:00 min
Compared to bootup time (grub to login screen): 52 seconds...
(This is on a single core P4 2.4GHz with 1.5GB RAM)

Unfortunately I don't remember the times for 8.10, but I am pretty certain I saw my dekstop about 20 seconds after login.
One difference I noticed is that previously I saw an empty desktop with the panels, and then the session windows were started. But even while they were launching, I could already work on the machine (such as launching additional apps from the panel, etc.). In 9.04, once I see my desktop, all session windows are already there. For some this might be considered an improvement ("Hey, it switched to my desktop and everything was already initialized!"), but what's the point if you have to stare so much longer at the spinning Xubuntu logo?

This is extremely annoying for me. The main reason for me to switch to Xubuntu as opposed to Ubuntu/Kubuntu was the ridiculous long login times for KDE. Now xfce has the same problem, or is even worse? :-(

Is there a workaround? I already disabled several of the gazillion launchers, applets, and notifiers, but it doesn't really improve the overall speed.