Comment 20 for bug 329616

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James M. Cooper (jmichc) wrote :

I just thought I'd chime in as one more person wrestling with this bug in Xubuntu 9.04/XFCE4.6. It has finally reached the point that I have decided to temporarily take a break from using XFCE. I did remove ~/.cache/sessions as well as ~/.config/xfce4/desktop, and restart without saving the session -- but I was nevertheless greeted once again with something like ten 'UNABLE TO CONTACT THE XFCE TRASH SERVICE' notifications, and still finding that many, many instances of xfwm4 were simultaneously running.

In this case, I am running XFCE on a Dell Mini 9 with the standard 512MB of RAM, and no swap (due to the limited size of the SSD), and have had the little machine lock up hard a number of times now, when trying to log-in to an XFCE session. In a situation like this, it is kind of imperative to get this all straightened out, before once again switching back to XFCE.

(I hope this is not a completely worthless comment. I would just like to suggest that this bug can be quite serious to a few of the unlucky folks who encounter it.)