Comment 20 for bug 351293

Revision history for this message
Steve Dodier-Lazaro (sidi) wrote :

Also, please indicate if you run a 64 or 32 bit architecture, and if you have a Nvidia card, please tell us exactly which model. Also, please attach your /etc/X11/xorg.conf before driver update, and after, and also please attach your .xsession-errors file.

If you don't know how to do this, the following should be aproximately good :

- Ctrl+Alt+F1
- login
- type :
    sudo mkdir /media/myusb
- plug your USB key
- type :
    sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/myusb -- here i assume you have only 1 HDD, thus the 'b' stands for second disk : your usb key.
    cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /media/myusb/newxorg.conf -- i assume you already saved the one when your desktop was still booting properly
    cp ~/.xsession-errors /media/myusb

Then you can grab your files from the USB key.

Thanks in advance if you can do this. It'll very likely help us to track the bug down.