Comment 39 for bug 973778

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Simon Lüke (semaphor) wrote :

This bug also affects me, xfce4-power-manager stopped working out-of-the-box after I set up a fresh Ubunutu 12.10 64-bit installation. I.e. I assume it is lightdm and its use ot the indicators from Unity.

As window manager I use awesome and chose xfce4-power-manager for indicating battery status and handling the other power related configurations, which worked very well on my previous Linux Mint 13 (Maya, based on Ubuntu 12.04).
xfce4-power-manager is started in the awesome configuration but it's not working: the process remainins in status “S” → “interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)“. After I kill it (SIGKILL is needed, no way to terminate it otherwise) I can start it manually and sucessfully (indicator applet appears, power management config is applied) using the no-daemon switch:

   xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon

 or even

   xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon &


So I can reproduce the same behaviour as suggested in #37 of this bug. (Besides I get the same error messages as in #28.)

What's different when starting with the no-daemon switch (apart from starting in foreground)? Could the lightdm people take care of a configuration enabling conflict free starting of the different environments (Unity / XFCE / Awesome with xcfe4-power-manager)?
Is it possible to include the suggested fix in the default config, i.e. /etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-power-manager.desktop? For I nearly killed my laptop battery not recognising the problem and running into deep discharge yesterday.