Comment 0 for bug 1855078

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G.M. (sexxxenator) wrote :


I think this is a regression... I had the exact same problem (system not going to suspend when LID is closed and external monitor plugged-in) with XUbuntu 19.04.
Under Xubuntu 19.04, I was using light-locker and was advised to switch to power manager. This solved the problem.

However, I recently upgraded to XUbuntu 19.10 and now, I get the exact same problem: if my external monitor is plugged-in, then closing the LID the computer does not suspend, it only switches the monitor external monitor to black screen (sleep?) for half a second, then switches it on again.

See demonstration at:

light-lock says power manager is responsible for the PM config:

Xfce Power Manager is version 1.6.5

I've tried the solution provided in the following answer:
With this the external monitor does blank/go to sleep, but the system does not go to suspend on lid close. It *does* go to suspend... *but when the lid is reopened!!!!

I tried to remove power manager and switch back to light-locker. It does not work either.