Comment 99 for bug 1303736

Revision history for this message
Rory Yorke (ryorke) wrote : Re: Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid

@ochosi: still no luck for me with the latest packages:

$ dpkg-query -W light-locker-settings xfce4-power-manager*
light-locker-settings 1.2.1-0ubuntu2~trusty~ppa4
xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0-3ubuntu5~trusty~ppa3
xfce4-power-manager-data 1.2.0-3ubuntu5~trusty~ppa3
xfce4-power-manager-plugins 1.2.0-3ubuntu5~trusty~ppa3

I followed the instructions regarding resetting/applying the light-locker changes, and restarting, but no luck.

Everything works fine for a new user on this machine (as before, see #83), so I guess I have some weird configuration set for my normal user.