Comment 77 for bug 1193716

Revision history for this message
Andy K (eatmycow) wrote :

Hi Thaddaeus,

I appriciate that this issue may be fixed using xfce-power-manager-1.4 however only version 1.2 is available to Xubuntu 14.04 LTS users. You say to install the latest version from xubuntu-staging, but it specifically states on the page you linked to "Please DO NOT consider this PPA a main, stable source for the packages.". For LTS users it is NOT an acceptable workaround to install from unstable PPA's.

Is it possible to add the xubuntu-staging PPA, but allow it to only use it for the xfce4-power-manager application? If so perhaps you could detail these steps as I am not sure how to do this.

Otherwise, as you mentioned earlier this fix would not qualify to be added as a backport (as it doesn't specifically add a new feature), would it qualify to be updated as a Stable Release Update? I would have thought it would come under "Bugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like or the kernel)".

As for my experiance with this bug, I can prevent the screen blanking using:

xset s noblank

or delay it using

xset s 0 6000

where 6000 is the screen blank delay in seconds.

However, this change does not persist after a reboot or system hibernation. My suscpicion is that a settings application is resetting xset values on log in, though I cannot confirm this.

For completeness, my Light Locker and Power Manager settings: