Comment 22 for bug 1204919

Revision history for this message
In , Ejy712 (ejy712) wrote :

I am running xfce on Fedora 14: package xfce4-panel-4.8.5-1.fc14.x86_64

I have specified the following:
    Settings Editor
                AutoSave FALSE
                PromptOnLogout FALSE
                SaveOnExit FALSE

I get the following results for each action of panel - Action Buttons:
    Log Out - successful, session is not saved
    Shut Down - successful, *** session is saved ***

I really don't want the session saved. I want to start completely clean
every time.

Work around:
  In the file /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default have the following lines:

# Default - a hack to get rid of XFCE session data
# this script is located in /etc/gdm/PostLogin
# chmod 755 Default

rm /home/ejy/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-* 2>/dev/null
rm /home/ejy/.cache/sessions/xfwm4-*.state 2>/dev/null
echo "/etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default: slimy hack done."