Comment 20 for bug 144631

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Stephen Touset (stephen-touset) wrote :

Right. Bug #139046 is a different problem, but the symptoms are roughly similar. I believe that is causing some confusion about the true nature of this bug.

I firmly believe that this bug is entirely unrelated to the console. SSHing to the box after boot does _not_ work, nor does pinging it. The boot process literally halts at this stage, and nothing is done afterwards. Proof includes:

  1. Mounting the domU filesystem inside dom0 still works, since boot never continues
  2. SSH and other network activity fails outright
  3. Logs on the domU machine remain completely untouched and empty
  4. CPU usage on the guest soars to 100% and never comes down

A problem only related to displaying console output wouldn't have these side effects. The solution mentioned _only_ works for those suffering from bug #139046, and not this bug (and, as an aside, I don't believe it's the best solution to that problem either -- much better is to simply change the getty to listen on xvc0).