Comment 16 for bug 144631

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Miguel Araujo (infolinuxblog) wrote :

I'm testing XEN 3.1 in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. When I start a Feisty debootstrap domU with a .sxp configuration file manually created from scratch, It hangs after mounting the ext3 filysystem, happening exactly the same as Todd Deshane described above. The problem is that the virtual machine does not respond to a ping, so It's not really running. I have read you have fixed the problem adding the xencons line, which doesn't work for me. But what I don't understand is how this line is related to hanging after mounting the filesystem?

I have run XEN 3.1 in a Feisty Server machine before and I think I have some experience with XEN. But this time I haven't been able to fix the problem, because I'm not sure what it is.

Thanks a lot for your time, any feedback will be welcomed.
