Comment 2 for bug 1400682

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

+ xdiagnose (>= 3.7),

I don't want systemd to pull in xdiagnose. This will lead to pretty much a disaster on servers :-) This should be left to seeds. display-manager.service
+ Wants=display-manager.service

This now seems redundant (Wants+Requires). I think I'm okay with this, as having a graphical target without any DM seems a bit of a corner case. I suppose this is necessary as otherwise OnFailure= wouldn't be called for if display-manager.service fails?

I wonder if we could make use of the new ".d/" support in 218 for this. I. e. could the xdiagnose package just ship a /lib/systemd/system/display-manager.service.d/xdiagnose.conf which adds the Requires= and OnFailure=? Then we wouldn't need to teach systemd about this at all, and xdiagnose would be self-contained.