Comment 18 for bug 76501

Revision history for this message
Peter Funk (pf-artcom-gmbh) wrote :

7.10 (gutsy): We patched the shell-wrapper script /usr/bin/xawtv:

Replace the line number 12 which contains the following
  if [ `xdpyinfo -queryExtensions | grep NV-GLX` ] ; then
with either
  if [ "`xdpyinfo -queryExtensions | grep NV-GLX`" ] ; then
or more elegant
  if xpdyinfo --queryExtensions | grep -q NV-GLX ; then

This is because the command returns something like
NV-GLX (opcode: 146)
which is invalid as a CONDITIONAL EXPRESSION in bash
without the surrounding quotes.

After that the patch xawtv started without the problem.
This trivial patch should make into the gutsy package.