Comment 3 for bug 135371

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Krzysztof Burghardt (burghardt) wrote : Re: [Bug 135371] Re: [gutsy] xawtv core dump

2007/9/30, Rav <email address hidden>:
> I can also confirm this bug. I get almost the same exact type of error

$ xawtv -hwscan
This is xawtv-3.95.dfsg.1, running on Linux/x86_64 (2.6.22-2-amd64)
looking for available devices
port 73-73
    type : Xvideo, image scaler
    name : ATI Radeon Video Overlay

/dev/video0: OK [ -device /dev/video0 ]
    type : v4l2
    name : BT878 video (Prolink Pixelview
    flags: overlay capture tuner

/dev/video1: OK [ -device /dev/video1 ]
    type : v4l
    name : OV519 USB Camera
    flags: capture

And nothing else happened.

$ dpkg -l xawtv
ii xawtv 3.95.dfsg.1-6 X11 TV application

Are you using <= "-5"? There was a patch for free()ing invalid pointer in "-6".
Could you try latest Debian version (i.e. get sources and build them).
It should help.

Krzysztof Burghardt <email address hidden>