Comment 2 for bug 1488906

Revision history for this message
Greg Beam (ki7mt) wrote :

This is not a Ubuntu bug ( e.g. Mint 17.2 ) nor is it a problem with WSJT.

The problem is Mint-17.1 / 2 installs, as part of their default desktop integration, audacidty, which requires libportaudio2, and thus libjack-jackd2. This causes problem with libportaudio0. From my experience, the combination of those packages is what causes the problem. I stopped testing WSJT apps on Mint due to this.

The warning messages you see at the top ( ALSA, and bt_audio) are superfluous and benign in nature. You can rid your system of them by removing bluez-alsa and updating you ALSA conf to set the PCM cards.pcm./{rear,lfe,side} to defaults, but that's up you.