Comment 6 for bug 900354

Revision history for this message
Boris (starius) wrote :


This is actually a problem of Wt, not of code using Wt.

See test case. It does not use boost.signals directly.

I can compile this test on Ubuntu Natty and Debian Squeeze:

 g++ -lwt -lwthttp 900354.cpp -o 900354

Errors on Ubuntu Lucid (e.g., undefined reference to `boost::signals::detail::slot_base::create_connection()')

Errors on Debian Squeeze with manually built Wt 3.2.0. (undefined reference to symbol 'boost::signals::trackable::~trackable())

I'm suspecting fresh Ubuntu Oneiric to fail. Can anyone test this?

3.2.1-1~natty~pgquiles1: no errors

Natty with ppa
no errors

Maybe, it is a bug of some Wt version, not of Debian or Ubuntu packages.