Comment 7 for bug 1992491

Revision history for this message
Nikelborm (nikelborm) wrote :

Hi everyone
I faced with the same issue. I updated to kubuntu 22.10 and this issue also appeared. Currently, I have the latest packages installed.

I am using wg-quck to connect to vpn like this:

➜ sudo wg-quick up wg1vlad
[sudo] password for nikel:
[#] ip link add wg1vlad type wireguard
[#] wg setconf wg1vlad /dev/fd/63
[#] ip -4 address add dev wg1vlad
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev wg1vlad
[#] resolvconf -a tun.wg1vlad -m 0 -x
Failed to resolve interface "tun": No such device
[#] ip link delete dev wg1vlad

my config looks like this:

❯ cat wg1vlad.conf
PrivateKey = jhhfcgvhbjnkmlmjnhbgvfdxcgvhbjn
Address =

PublicKey = bvgvcfxdcgvhbjnkjhgfgjkljh
PresharedKey = dfghjkhgfhjkljhgjkl
AllowedIPs =,, ::/0
PersistentKeepalive = 0
Endpoint =

❯ ll /usr/bin/ | grep resolvectl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 133664 Oct 11 18:51 resolvectl*

❯ ll /usr/sbin/ | grep resolvconf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Nov 13 00:11 resolvconf -> /usr/bin/resolvectl*

Before update, it worked just fine