Comment 8 for bug 944321

Revision history for this message
Scott Ritchie (scottritchie) wrote : Re: apt-get build-dep script for wine missing xorg and

Again, dev packages are not co-installable but they should be.

To build the wine package 12.04 you need to build the i386 parts in an i386 pbuilder and the amd64 parts natively or in an amd64 pbuilder, and then install the wine-i386 package from the i386 pbuilder result alongside the amd64 packages.

Also Vlad, apt-get build-dep foo:i386 does not work because there is no such thing as an arch-specific source package -- apt-get build-dep gets the host architecture packages for the source package in question. This is fine, as there's no way to build cross-architecture packages without pbuilder or other chroot anyway.

I'll wiki/script how to do this somewhere soonish, there's been a good chunk of demand.