Comment 0 for bug 344588

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In , Iuga Marian Silviu (iugamarian) wrote :

Winamp with Winamp AC3 Filter 1.01a performs better than Amarok 1.4.
Also the very old game Starcraft has support for surround.
Therefore please give more importance to the following:

Allow DirectSound acces to Alsa, for the rear left, rear right, center and woofer speakers.

Yes, Linux does support surround. Use "alsamixer" to deactivate the mute
on the other speakers. Use Amarok, Totem, or their base Xine, to test surround.
You have to go to settings, select Xine Engine and select 5.1 surround (in Xine you should select first "Master of the known universe" :) )

I am attaching an example of a file that the Xine engine cannot play,
but Winamp with Winamp AC3 Filter 1.01a with integrated dts support can.