Comment 6 for bug 608064

Revision history for this message
Virgil Brummond (uraharakisuke153) wrote :

Edit, posted early in error: (Note case sensitive when using regedit, please type exact)

This should let Wine have direct HW access to prevent buffer underruns, the only disadvantage is that some apps do not have access to the sound card while Wine is running. Sometimes this option works best combined with OSS.

Contingency is this does not help is simply to delete the UseDIrectHW key.

1. Press alt+f2 and type: regedit
2. This is the wine registry editor, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine
3. Right click on Wine, and select New -> Key. Name the new key: Alsa Driver
4. Select Alsa Driver and right click in the white space to the right. Select New -> String Value, name the value: UseDirectHW
5. Double click UseDirectHW, and make the value: y
6. Hit ok, and close all wine apps.