Comment 410 for bug 371897

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In , Sorceror (shacklein) wrote :

(In reply to comment #304)
> Well that's it; I've had enough of Mr. Klein's trolling,

Stating the facts as they stand is not trolling.

> and it's clear that
> the people whose knowledge and opinions are actually relevant to the state and
> direction of Wine development with respect to this issue are clearly not
> actively interested in this bug thread.

Do you know WHY that is? It's because 90% of the comments on this thread are people saying "Pulse is used by Ubuntu and Fedora. We NEED a pulse driver." Never mind the technical details of what's actually going on at the moment with the sound subsystem (i.e., the change from winmm to mmdevapi); new commenters people keep using the ad populum fallacy. And it REALLY annoys me when they do.

> I'm going to take a break from this pointless discussion and content myself
> with actually being able to use Wine on Ubuntu via Winepulse

Feel free, but don't expect any help when things go wrong. winepulse is still an out-of-tree patch and will not be supported by WineHQ.