Comment 264 for bug 371897

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In , William Lightning (kassah) wrote :

So..... I'm tired of everyone saying get rid of OSS and just have ALSA because everything supports ALSA. FYI, BSD only supports OSS, and ALSA has OSS emulation, so if we drop anything, it should be everything but OSS. OSS has been around forever and virtually everyone supports it.

That being said, I'm pro-pulse. As an "average" non-heavy-gamer user, I do crap like run Quicken through wine, where I like my little ka-ching sound when I add a transaction, and I don't want to suspend my music via rhythmbox to get it.

The idea is if you want to tweak every last ounce of performance out of your sound server, then let them, keep ALSA or JACK or OSS. Pulse is moving to be an "average" user solution. Is it bug free? absolutely not. Then again, what is? Are the pulse devs willing to improve it? As far as I can tell yes. But their primary users are "average" joe. They use ALSA as a base because it has the drivers, but they provide a simple yet powerful front end to users.

So please, read Stefan's advice in Comment 157. I especially like #3, and would love to know where to donate to make this happen =). Art, Thank you so much for your patch. Even if it isn't accepted, it's a step in the right direction.