Comment 184 for bug 371897

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In , Timo A. Hummel (privat-timohummel) wrote :

I have to second Volker's opinion. I'm using an Alesis IO|2 USB sound interface was designed for musicans. As such, it does not provide software mixing - just 2 outputs fixed to 24bits with 48/44.1kHz. Since ALSA does NOT support software mixing on that device for some reason, I decided to go via PulseAudio, and as of today, it is supported by most applications I use.

Since it would not be possible to use VirtualBox and WINE software (and even Firefox with Flash Plugins) at the same time since all three are open virtually all day, it absolutely makes sense to support PulseAudio.

From an end user's point of view, I do not care how it works - it just should work. This is not the case with ALSA and OSS, maybe it would work somehow if I would switch to another soundcard, but that's not a good solution either.

I don't mind if the PulseAudio-Support has higher latency issues - a bad solution is often better than no solution at all.