Comment 11 for bug 208853

Revision history for this message
spiceisland (graham-hudspith) wrote :

Scott - I can confirm that the latest release of wine, 0.9.59, seems to fix the "minimising and maximising" problem (number 2, above).

However, it still does not fix doing the same operations on sub-windows within Source-Insight. Of course, this may be down to bugs in Source-Insight itself, but suspect the developers of Source-Insight would argue that "it works fine when run under Windows!" :-(

I have made a flash movie demonstrating the problem:

(1) Here I have created a project containing the source code for SQLite.

(2) I open up one source-file (journal.c) and then another (complete.c).

(3) I maximise the second source-file sub-window => screen corruption.

(4) I unmaximise this => still get screen corruption.

(5) I then move the second source-file sub-window around a bit => still get screen corruption.