Comment 7 for bug 1817244

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jre (jre-phoenix) wrote :

Thanks again. Probably my last round of nitpicking questions:

I found that this worked here although I don't have gstreamer1.0-plugins-good:i386 because for MP3 Wine uses libmpg123-0. And libmpg123-0:i386 is already depended on by libwine. If I uninstall that, there's also no music here.

Do you have libmpg123-0:i386 installed on your side?

I wanted to check this, but I couldn't find any Ubuntu version that has wine 3.0-1ubuntu1. So which Ubuntu/Lubuntu version are you using? Is wine from the official (L)Ubunutu repository and is it the current version?

Generally: your gdb output doesn't help much for Wine. There we usually use the terminal output, e.g.:
WINEDEBUG="fixme+all" wine iji.exe &> log.txt
No need for this though in this bug. The crash if the right plugin is missing seems to be fixed in current Wine.

Anyway, I'm going to let libwine recommend:

I'd also add gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, but it's not co-installable for i386 and amd64 yet because of some non-multi-arch dependencies. I'm working on fixing this.