Comment 9 for bug 1576326

Revision history for this message
jre (jre-phoenix) wrote :

[ Quoting some previous comments with ">" ]

> Because of that, Wine and associated applications (winecfg, wine uninstaller etc.) cannot be started from the desktop menu

Wine in desktop menu
AFAIK *Wine* itself could never be started from the desktop menu. If at all this might be possible if you enable the "Virtual Desktop" in winecfg (but usually people are only interested in the Windows applications, not in seeing the Windows desktop).

There's wine.desktop, but this does neither start Wine itself, nor does it add a launcher to the menu (NoDisplay=true). It only makes native file type associations, so it tells your system that it may start e.g. an .exe *with* Wine. For security reasons wine.desktop is not "activated" in the packages, but only shipped as an example.

Quoting /usr/share/doc/wine/README.Debian.gz:

To enable system-wide support for .exe files execute the following
command (replace /usr/share/doc/wine with
/usr/share/doc/wine-development if you use wine-development):
$ sudo cp /usr/share/doc/wine/examples/wine.desktop /usr/share/applications/

winecfg and uninstaller in desktop menu
I just commented on that in Please followup there.

If I start winecfg here from a terminal it has its icon.

/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/wine.svg is/will be shipped again with src:wine 1.8.6-2 and src:wine-development 2.0~rc6-1

> launchers of the installed Windows programs are not being put in the right (Wine) category

Not sure if I understand this correctly. Maybe it's "just" working on my Debian GNOME system. Here if I install e.g. Steam for a fresh user:

Wine automatically creates the menu structure and creates an entry for Steam there.

Accordingly the following files are created:



> /usr/share/desktop-directories/
> /usr/share/desktop-directories/
> Yes, these files do create a menu (sub)section for installed Wine programs.
> This is really useful for MATE, Cinnamon, XFCE and other non-GNOME/non-Unity DEs.

But on these DEs the files in ~/.local are still created by Wine, right? So it still works!?

> and Windows binaries cannot be run directly from the file manager using development version of Wine.

True, due to security reasons your system will not know how to launch e.g. an .exe, see above.