Comment 4 for bug 248324

Revision history for this message
Jeff Waugh (jdub) wrote :

There's no point arguing that potential solutions are signs of different bugs. The bug, as titled, is very straightforward, no matter how it is solved: "can't access 'add to panel...' dialogue". We could retitle it "can't add applets" and it would mean the same thing. Yes, ultimately it's a problem with the panel, but the problem is not badly exposed with normal desktop configs.

There's no point leaving space in the ume-config-netbook default configuration, because it's already a well-designed setup (particularly considering that window-picker-applet *should* use all available space).

[ By the way, the goofy way to add panel applets at this point is to hit alt-f1 (to get the main menu), right click a launcher, click "add to panel" (which adds a launcher next to the window-picker-applet, restricting it to its minimum size), then right clicking the newly opened space on the panel and choosing "add to panel..." -> hilarity! ]