Comment 4 for bug 1390627

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

Modifying daisy to dump the registers from the report after decoding the crash file we can see the tabs have been replaced.

2014-11-07 22:53:22 [6664] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 6664
rax 0xfffffffffffffdfc?-516
rbx 0x2782a60?41429600
rcx 0xffffffffffffffff?-1
rdx 0xb51?2897
rsi 0x3?3
rdi 0x2813dc0?42024384
rbp 0x3?0x3
rsp 0x7fff44d39920?0x7fff44d39920
r8 0x3?3
r9 0x0?0
r10 0x0?0
r11 0x293?659
r12 0x2813dc0?42024384
r13 0xb51?2897
r14 0x7f1c37f00310?139759174288144
r15 0x3?3
rip 0x7f1c39fb439d?0x7f1c39fb439d <poll+45>
eflags 0x293?[ CF AF SF IF ]
cs 0x33?51
ss 0x2b?43
ds 0x0?0
es 0x0?0
fs 0x0?0
gs 0x0?0
2014-11-07 22:53:27 (e2a2e4dc-66d0-11e4-b6b6-fa163eed9ff8) inserted into OOPS CF