Comment 40 for bug 232469

Revision history for this message
Erlan Sergaziev (sergeant) wrote :

There seems to be two bugs discussed here.
One is related to "no_proxy" environment variable having an extraneous comma at the end.
This bug exists in both 64 and 32 bit versions confirmed (I use 64 bit while two of my colleagues - 32 bit).

The other one has to do with "http_proxy" not being passed on by "sudo". This leads to apt commands failing to connect.
This concerns adding apt repository and repository public key through command line and some other command line package operations. This indeed affects 64 bit edition only.

On a separate note, I installed Fedora 13 and after configuring proxy in gnome proxy settings and a restart both GUI and command line tools worked like a charm. Come on, Ubuntu, you don't have to be more difficult than Fedora in ease of use :)
No offense intended.