Comment 2 for bug 865885

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robbert (robbertvandendoorn) wrote :

Users of this crappy operating system have been annoyed by this bug since... well, actually since the first release. After all those years they failed (actually "refused") to implement a proper clipboard. I've lost all hopes. I don't think Ubuntu or Linux in general will ever get a proper clipboard. The developers are just stupid and keep on sticking to their old fashioned habits of the early '90s. They don't listen to the users and only want to keep on using Linux the old fashioned way. They don't want a proper clipboard, so a proper clipboard will never be implemented in Ubuntu of Linux in general.

That's exactly the reason why Linux will NEVER get more than 1% of market share. The market share of Linux is at 1% for years now. In all those years its market share didn't grow a single bit. Mac OS X keeps on growing. Why? Because their products just work. People use it and see it just works and they keep on using it and recommend it to family and friends who also keep on using it.

Linux is also recommended by Linux users, but after using it for a few weeks or a few months, everyone realizes it's just crap. Within a few months most users have encountered so many bugs they won't use it anymore. When you first install Ubuntu or any other distribution you think: "Yeah, this is actually quite good." but that feeling doesn't last for long. Within two months you get so annoyed of all those bugs, you just want to throw your computer out of the window.

Linux will never be a mature operating system and it will never get more than 1% market share. At least, not as long as those developers refuse to implement even the most basic features an operating system should contain. Unless they get their head of their asses Linux will stay an amateuristic operating system for ever.