Comment 1 for bug 345851

Revision history for this message
timobaumann (timobaumann) wrote :

with the released Jaunty (up to date), the error I get looks like this:

Error in startup script: unknown option "-troughcolor"
    while executing
".dummyscrollbar cget -troughcolor"
    (in namespace eval "::wavebar" script line 8)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval wavebar {
 variable Info

 if {![info exists Info(Initialized)]} {
  scrollbar .dummyscrollbar
  button .dummybutton

  set Info(Optio..."
    (file "/usr/lib/wsurf1.8/wavebar.tcl" line 12)
    invoked from within
"_source /usr/lib/wsurf1.8/wavebar.tcl"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel _source [list $file]"
    (procedure "source" line 5)
    invoked from within
"source /usr/lib/wsurf1.8/wavebar.tcl"
    ("package ifneeded" script)
    invoked from within
"package require -exact wsurf $version"
    (file "/usr/bin/wavesurfer" line 2600)