Comment 0 for bug 2016012

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Gauthier Jolly (gjolly) wrote :

This udev rule: /lib/udev/rules.d/67-azure-console.rules is wrong because it refers to the syslog group that doesn't exist on our images. This wasn't causing any particular issue before Lunar but know it's causing "systemd daemon-reload" to take 1min to run.

This is a big issue because "systemd daemon-reload" is called during boot and when snaps are installed.

 1. start a minimal Lunar VM on Azure: az vm create --ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/ --admin-username ubuntu -n jammy-minimal -g test-minimal --image 'Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-minimal-jammy:minimal-22_04-lts-gen2:latest' --size Standard_D2as_v5
 2. run `time systemd daemon-reload`: it will take 1min
 3. run `groupadd syslog`
 4. run `time systemd daemon-reload`: it will take less than a second to run

It's not a problem on non-minimal images because rsyslog is installed and the group is present.