Comment 3 for bug 663601

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David Caro (dcaro) wrote :

Hi, what valkyr is saying (or at least what I am understanding) is a problen with the autocomplete in the bash program, not sure if it should be here.

The problem is:
when you are typing in a terminal, if you type 'tab' the terminal will try to autocomplete the comand you are typing, but if you typed for example:
$ shudown
and move back the cursor whete the 't' should be and hit 'tab', the autocompleted command will end up like this:
$ shutdowndown
if it find asingle match or will show you allt he options that start with shut, like this:
cascara@zeus:~$ shudown
shuf shutdown

What is aslinf is for the autocomplete functions to take into account the string after the cursor to do the search, and match only the commands that start with shu and end with down. And also avoid writing the wholw command again and just add the missing chars.

Personally is something that will also be usefool to me.
