Comment 10 for bug 388953

Revision history for this message
Juan Sebastián Marulanda (juanchito2006) wrote :

I have the same problem: gdebi-gtk returns the following error when attempting to install a package:

dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor

My console output:

richardwolfvi@richardwolf:~$ LANG="en_US.UTF-8" sudo gdebi-gtk '/home/richardwolfvi/.opera/temporary_downloads/wizardpen_0.7.0-alpha2_i386.deb'
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/GDebi/ DeprecationWarning: Accessed deprecated property Package.installedVersion, please see the Version class for alternatives.
  cachever = self._cache[pkgname].installedVersion
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/GDebi/ DeprecationWarning: Accessed deprecated property Package.installedDependencies, please see the Version class for alternatives.
  for dep_or in pkg.installedDependencies:
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/GDebi/ DeprecationWarning: Accessed deprecated property Package.installedVersion, please see the Version class for alternatives.
  instver = inst.installedVersion
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/GDebi/ DeprecationWarning: Accessed deprecated property Package.candidateVersion, please see the Version class for alternatives.
  cachever = self._cache[pkgname].candidateVersion

Using gdebi on the console or dpkg -i seems to work without issues.