Comment 0 for bug 737192

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André Madureira (andreluizromano) wrote : [Kubuntu and VLC] - Use of KIO SLAVES to open remote files (samba, nfs, etc)

Binary package hint: vlc



I did a bug report about Kubuntu (KDE 4.5.1) inability on CIFS auto mounting of SAMBA shares like Nautilus in GNOME does (for more info see the report: )... I was advised by Jonathan Riddell , in this bug report above, that VLC should support KIO SLAVES functionality that enables remote file access in KDE environments, or let KDE that the program (in this case VLC) don't support KIO SLAVES and therefore KDE should auto download the file to the PC to open it...


Support KIO SLAVES... Or at least let KDE know it don't handle KIO SLAVES to let it auto download the remote file to open it in the local PC...

PS: I don't know if the solution above is the better (alternatively we can make KDE auto mount remote paths with CIFS like Nautilus does in GNOME too) one because it's not a VLC specific problem, it affects also LIBREOFFICE and GNOME MPLAYER... So, if any of you think in a different manner, please, let us know... All of us want LINUX become better and this needs our commitment with it's development and, with that, make it easier to the common user of PC's to handle it...

Thanks for your attention,

André M.