Comment 2 for bug 275043

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package vlc - 0.9.3-0ubuntu1

vlc (0.9.3-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  [ Reinhard Tartler ]
  * new upstream bugfix only Releases LP: #274721

  Relevant fixes from NEWS file:

    Various bugfixes:
   * Fixed DTS channel order on 5.1 systems
   * Fixed pausing behavior for subtitles and for Audio-CD
   * Multiple subtitles and podcast fixes
   * Various crashes fixed in PS, SSA, mkv, xspf, freetype
   * Fixed update system bugs
   * Other bug fixes (dvd language selection, subtitle colours, HTTP keep-alive...)

  Qt4 interface:
   * Added Faster/Slower icons to the controller panel
   * Fixed lost playlist columns when switching the playlist view
   * Added needed options to Simple preferences (to avoid NVIDIA drivers issues)
   * Fullscreen controller: added time label, remembering of last position
   * Fixed drag'n drop behaviour on the playlist
   * Multiple other fixes (Enter hotkey in preferences, Skins selection...)

  [ Saïvann Carignan ]
  * debian/patches/301_DVD_media.diff: Change %U to %f
    in VLC .desktop file . (LP: #275043)

 -- Reinhard Tartler <email address hidden> Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:30:04 +0200