Comment 1 for bug 209107

Revision history for this message
mystictim (timgillibrand-yahoo) wrote :

It looks like VLC on Hardy is looking for defaults.list in the wrong place. Following the hint in to modify the user copy of defaults.list and the information from I uninstalled vlc and then looked in my user's ~/.local/share/applications for defaults.list This wasn't present so I copied the original defaults.list from /etc/gnome/defaults.list into this directory. I then installed vlc. Now by going to Nautilus > Edit>Preferences>Media>DVD Video l was able to select VLC. When I put a DVD into the computer VLC starts up but unfortunately it then crashed. Following a tip about changing %U to %m in the .desktop entry for vlc I copied /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop to user's ~/.local/share/applications/vlc.desktop. Then in VLC media player> Properties>Launcher>Command changed vlc %U to vlc %m. Now I can put a DVD into the machine and it will start up in VLC.