Comment 5 for bug 201358

Revision history for this message
Russell Sears (sears) wrote :

Oops; looks like I spoke too soon. It's not taking advantage of sparse files when it converts from DD formats:

$ vditool DD VistaQemu.vdi VistaQemu.bin
vditool Copyright (c) 2004-2008 innotek GmbH.

Converting VDI: from DD image file="VistaQemu.bin" to file="VistaQemu.vdi"...
Creating fixed image with size 0 Bytes...
The operation completed successfully!
Writing data...
The operation completed successfully!
sears@tachikoma:~$ du -h VistaQemu.vdi
17G VistaQemu.vdi
sears@tachikoma:~$ du -h VistaQemu.bin
13G VistaQemu.bin
sears@tachikoma:~$ ls -lh VistaQemu.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 sears sears 16G 2008-04-29 18:39 VistaQemu.bin

(vditool SHRINK shrinks the file back down to 13G, as expected)