Comment 2 for bug 1784872

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Hi Pedro,
If you had no libvirt installed at all then your user will - after install - not have the group "libvirtd" yet.

A simple relogon or any new session would do to get that.
Even some su - tricks could do so, but TL;DR I assume you are just not yet a member of the group.

Obviously a reboot is the hardest way of "re-logging in" :-/

This is a common pattern - for example on a new system installing "lxd" you will not be able to use it right away not having the LXD group, but relogging to refresh groups makes it work.

I'm not sure there is a lot I can do about it.
If there is a good way to do so I'd be happy to lean about it. But then IMHO all packages adding default group memberships should do so and that sounds like a dh_ helper then.
You are welcome to extend the bug to debhelper, but I'd think a mail to ubuntu-devel mailing list might be more appropriate to start an open discussion.

Setting incomplete, would be happy to hear if my assumption of the group membership is your case.
If not lets check what else it is - maybe starting with "sytemctl status libvirtd" and "id" after installing the packages.