Comment 0 for bug 1693739

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Andy Brook (javahollic) wrote :

The Virt-Manager UI is great, it does all the things that one needs to manage low numbers of VM's.

1) I want to group VMs, for a simpler management and sequenced auto-start

If I have a group of VM's that are related (eg a a cluster of nodes, a db, a shared file store) they need to be started and stopped in a group, in a particular order. Using 'start on boot' for each is a sledgehammer. Ideally, I could group these VMs, replacing the VM entries with an expandable group. The Group could be set to auto start, the VM's within could be ordered for startup. Benefit is less repetitive manual startup and reduced volume of VM listings.

2) I want to categorize VM's, and manage permissions to those categories

currently there is no way to categorize VMs, there is just a huge list. I want to be able to setup specific categories e.g. DEV, UAT PROD.

Once grouping and categorizing is possible, it is then possible to consider authorization over the management of the VM's. Currently, it seems possible for anyone with access to stop/start any VM. This may be fine for DEV, but not PROD, that should be restricted, but there are no means to do that.

These features would put Virt-Manager onto a more scaleable deployment path. If this/these requests need to be logged somewhere else, let me know.