Comment 7 for bug 337926

Revision history for this message
mcnicholls (nicholls-mc) wrote :

I have similar problem that i think may be related.

I can move the mouse pointer, but the local and remote pointers are offset from each other. As i move my local mouse pointer off the bottom of the vnc window, the remote pointer is still about 1/6th up the screen.

I am on an Asus 901 with Jaunty Alpha running the same version of the package as the original reporter.

Not sure if they are related. I have tried it using UltraVNC viewer 1.0.2 and TightVNC viewer 1.3.10 on WindowsXP.

Also noticed in the Xorg log posted that X is using the Synaptics mouse driver. I am pretty sure mine is as well. Could there be an issue here? (No idea how vino interacts with X so don't know if it is relevant).